Bikram Series 26 & 2 (Hot Yoga)

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1240 US 130
Robbinsville, NJ 08619

What can I expect in a Bikram Yoga class?

A Bikram Yoga class will always be the same, no matter where you take it, the room is heated to approximately 105 degrees with 40% humidity, this will warm your body up very quickly and help you loosen up your muscles and increase sweating. All Bikram yoga classes are 90 minutes in duration.

We start and end every class with a breathing exercise, using 100% of your lung capacity, these exercises increase lung elasticity, tone your abdominal muscles, stimulate your circulation and your brain.  The breathing exercises and the postures are done twice in succession. The first part of the class is done standing up. All of the postures are beginners level but are very challenging. The postures will help you open up your tight joints like your knees, shoulders and hips. You will work on your balance, good posture and physical and mental stamina and endurance. 1 hour into class we transition to the floor series. In the floor series, the postures are geared toward strengthening and increasing the mobility and flexibility of the spine and the muscles in your core. The spine is the sore of all energy and the center of the human body, therefore a healthy spine equals a healthy life.